Top 7 Free Plugins to Add a Forum to WordPress Website

The forum is one of the popular features of the WordPress website. It allows users to interact with other members and share content with them.

There are many plugins available to help you create a forum on your website, but some are better than others.

In this article, we have listed some of the best free plugins for adding a forum to your site!


Apart from being the most popular forum plugin to add when you create wordpress websites, it's a free, open-source, and powerful forum solution for your WordPress-powered website. It's easy to install, use and feature-laden, which makes it a great choice for forums.

In short: bbPress lets you manage your community on WordPress in an intuitive way that works well across many sites.

DW Question and Answer

DWQA is a simple and easy-to-use plugin that allows you to add a forum to your WordPress website. It's an open-source plugin, which means it's free of charge to use and has no additional costs associated with it.

The installation process for this plugin is very straightforward; all you have to do is upload the files into your server's folder, then activate it using the "Activate" button in Settings after the installation has been completed successfully. After activation, there will be no other steps needed except for adding content for users who want access (which will go through moderation).


AnsPress has many customizable options that you can add when you create wordpress websites, which makes it easy to use and maintain. It supports a wide range of features such as user registration and login, custom CSS for the forum page, custom background images for posts and replies etc.

The installation process is quite simple, too—you just need to upload the plugin files into your WordPress installation folder (usually /wp-content/plugins/) and activate it from inside the dashboard by clicking on the "Activate" button under the "Plugins" section when logged in as admin user or via FTP access if you don't have any plugins activated yet.

CM Answers

CM Answers is a free and open-source plugin that lets you add an online forum to your website. It's one of the most downloaded forum plugins, with over 100 million downloads globally.

CM Answers supports custom CSS, HTML and JavaScript stylesheets as well as inline images for signatures. The server-side code is written in PHP, which means it can run on any platform with or without PHP support in the server software (e.g., Apache webserver).


BuddyPress is an open-source WordPress plugin that adds social networking features to your website. With BuddyPress, you can create a community around any topic or interest.

BuddyPress is a powerful plugin that can be used to build a community around your brand. Themes built with this theme will allow users to log in with their Facebook accounts and sign up for newsletters through their email addresses in order to stay updated about the latest events happening at your business or organization.

WP Symposium

WP Symposium is easy to use with a lot of features, but it can also be used with BuddyPress and bbPress.

It has many customization options, including the ability to set up your own custom branding colours and fonts; add custom CSS code so that you don't have to worry about layout issues when using this plugin; choose which type of forum (closed or public) you want your site users to have access too; etcetera!

If these features aren't enough for your needs, then there are even more options available to add when you create wordpress websites such as themes that come pre-installed with the plugin (and others), allowing users who aren't familiar with how forums work on their site without having any knowledge about coding themselves - making things easier than ever before!


Simple:Press is simple to install and use, but it has a wide range of features and options for creating an engaging discussion board.

Simple:Press also includes many integrated features like notifications when someone replies or posts in the forum. If you want a tailored appearance of each post, including font size and color, add images, set up signature lines (like "I'm here"), enable threaded conversations so users can reply directly back at each other—and more than this plugin has got you covered.


We hope you've found some useful plugins to help your forum.

The best part about it?

If you want to use one, then go with it. If you want to use them all, then they will all work together to give you a great experience on your website.

And don't worry if none of them seem right for your needs—it's better to start with only one and test out different features than to get stuck in a rut when trying to find the perfect solution.

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